Good Graces, Bad Influence - Akujiko (2024)

It's her.

He can tell. Knows it's her before she even speaks. The door slides open, the smell of her perfume filling the confessional booth. Just like each visit, she opts to kneel instead of sitting on the wooden bench on the other side of the partition. As she sinks to the ground, the old wooden floor creaks loudly, groaning while she shifts in an attempt to get comfortable.

A minute passes. The scent of jasmine fills the air, warm undertones of vanilla and something that he thinks is coffee. Both of them are aware of the other's presence, but it's not on Bobby to start the confession. No, that responsibility rests on the confessant. On her.

The woman knows this. She's playing with him. She always does.

Bobby flinches as she breaks the silence. "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." The woman says softly. He sees the featureless silhouette of her through the screen, forming the sign of the cross. "It's been a week since my last confession."

Even though he knew it was coming, her voice still makes his heart race. His nerves are alight with anxiety, with anticipation. As to what he was anticipating, he was unsure of. All he knew was that his stomach churned with dread.

It had been a week since her last confession. Four weeks since the night she'd first come to him, started haunting his every waking thought. His every dream. Since she'd first come to confess, unintentionally causing Bobby to spiral down with her into depravity and desire.

Bobby doesn't know if she'd attended the service. If she does, she's never approached him in person. He figures if she had ever come close enough, he would have been able to pick her out by the smell of her alone. That, along with her voice. The sound of her when she spoke was burned into his ears. All honeyed tones, dripping with seduction. No, he'd recognize the sound of a voice that sultry if he'd heard it before. He hadn't been able to get the sound of it out of his head for weeks. The wood creaks with her shuffling, snapping him out of his musings.

"As I told you last week, I've still been having these thoughts. I know they're sinful. I know they're inappropriate. I shouldn't think these types of things about another man after the passing of my husband. It's bad, but… I just can't seem to help myself." The sigh that escapes her mouth almost sounds genuine. Bobby knows better.

"Last week, you told me I should pray. Ask God to purge me of these thoughts. I went home and prayed just like you told me… But my imagination still races. Do you think I've been forsaken, Father?" The way she phrases the question sounds deceivingly innocent. Her voice fills the confessional, just barely louder than the sound of his heart pounding in his ears. No, he reminds himself, she is anything but innocent.

This woman was sin incarnate, a succubus sent here to tempt him from his faith. To sway him into debauchery. Surely, it was a test from God. A way of proving his devotion to his faith, and his loyalty to the oaths he'd taken when swearing himself to the church all of those years ago. Bobby was stronger than this. Clearing his throat, he tells her what he tells every person that comes to the booth with the same question. "As long as you repent, you will be saved. God loves all of his children."

"That relieves me. Thank you, Father." There's a pause after her words. Silence settles over them. It feels purposeful. Like she's baiting him into speaking more. It works.

"This man you're speaking of." The words tumble from his mouth before it registers that he's speaking them. "What kind of thoughts are you having about him, exactly?"

May the Lord forgive him. Once again, she pauses. Bobby can't help but think he's the fly who'd flown straight into a spider's web.

"Oh, Father, where do I begin? They're awful. So improper, but if you want to know... I have thoughts of putting my mouth on him. Tasting him." The woman's voice drops to a whisper, each word dripping with desire.

God, that was blunter than he expected. Bobby didn't really think she'd tell him. By doing that, she was breaking this unspoken boundary they'd somehow developed over the course of a few weeks. Staring wide-eyed on the other side of the confessional, his chest rises and falls with apprehensive breaths. This was very wrong. It needed to stop before it escalated.

"I apologize. I shouldn't have asked that." Bobby desperately tries to remedy the situation. He's out of his depth with this woman. If the Church found out he'd asked her that question, or entertained this behavior to begin with, he'd be in so much trouble. There's nothing holding her back from reporting him, either. "God has forgiven you for your sins. Go in peace." Rising hastily from his seat, he moves to exit the confessional.

"No, stay." The sharp command stops him in his tracks. "You knew what you were doing. You know where I'm going with this. You want to know more, don't you, Father Goren?"

"I…" He hesitates. "Yes, I do."

"Sit back down for me, then. Let me show you instead of telling you."

Bobby's throat tightens while he fidgets with his collar, pulling at the fabric and relishing the rush of air against his clammy skin. This woman was offering him everything he'd been denied by the Church. How could he blame them, though, when initially it had been of his own volition? Nobody had forced him into priesthood, but it had taken a toll on him… but was he really going to do this? ….Yes, he was.

"Close your eyes for me, Father." Obeying her command comes a little easier than he'd like to him.

There's a creak - she's getting up from the other side of the confessional. The door opens and closes, signaled by another creak, and he feels her presence shortly after.

"Oh, God." Bobby mumbles under his breath. "Please, forgive me."

"The only one you should be asking for forgiveness is me, sweetheart. My name is the only one I want to hear from that mouth of yours when I start touching you." The sensation of her breath tickling his ears has shivers running down his spine.

"I'm sorry. You haven't told me your name." She's so close to him now. It's been years since a woman had been this near to him. Her hand briefly rests on his thigh, and then reaches to tug something out of his pocket. A heartbeat later, and something soft and silky is being wrapped around his eyes. A scarf. Hers. The one he found after she'd left it behind one day, after a session. Bobby had kept it with him since then, in his pocket, a symbol of his own secret shame. The proximity of it to his nose is overwhelming him. He inhales deeply, co*ck straining against his pants as the familiar, tempting scent arouses him.

"I'm just teasing you. I know." God, her laughter is an incredible sound. How was she real? "It's Alexandra. Most people call me Alex."

"Alexandra… How did you know I kept your scarf?"

"Oh, darling. I left it there, just for you." Alex's fingers graze his cheek, sliding down his face, his jaw, down to his throat. "I hoped you'd find it and keep it to remind you of me. I thought you would keep it in your room, but imagine my surprise when I saw you fidgeting with something in your pocket during service, and a little flash of red…"

Bobby is grateful to have been blindfolded at that moment. He felt depraved. Deviant. Ashamed to have been caught. His only consolation is the fact she doesn't seem to mind, but enjoys it instead. "Why have you covered my eyes?" He wants to see her more than anything at that moment.

The way her hand slowly wraps around his neck is relaxed. Even though there's no real pressure in her grip, he can't breathe. She's taken his breath away without even trying. "When you're deprived of a sense like this, your other senses become extra sensitive to compensate. And I want you to really feel what I'm going to do to you, utterly and completely. I want you to feel how I'll ruin you. Corrupt you. Doesn't that sound good, Father?"

"It… does. But we shouldn't, Alexandra. We really shouldn't. This is… Priests aren't allowed to do this." The words are unconvincing, even to himself. His resolve has already weakened, he knows, but at least when he looks back on this later, he'll be able to say he tried.

"You can pretend you care all you want." Her voice is back in his other ear now. "We can say it was me, if they find out. I don't mind. I'll be the evil, wicked woman who seduced you, made you bend to her whim, and you can be the poor, helpless priest who couldn't do anything but go along with it." Alex lightly presses a kiss to his cheek, as if to assuage his worries. It makes his body heat up. Even though he probably shouldn't trust her, there's no doubt in his mind that she really means it.

Alex languidly kisses along his jaw, making her way to his mouth. She sucks on the flesh of his throat, sharp pain quickly giving way to a pleasurable ache before she continues on her path. Hickey, his mind supplies, having heard about them before. The priest understands now what she meant about his senses going into overdrive. Her breathing in his ear, the softness of her lips against his stubble, the stinging mark he's been given; all of it sends blood rushing to his co*ck. He couldn't believe that a little pain could be so arousing.

Bobby enjoys the way she straddles him, once she finally climbs into his lap. The press of her smaller body against his own is exquisite. She's sitting right on his dick, shielded only by a couple of layers of clothing. It sends a shock of pleasure down his spine, one that makes his hips buck up into her desperately.

"Mm, relax. I'm gonna take care of you." Alex finally leans in to capture his mouth in a kiss. She's gentle at first, sensing his inexperience, but their kissing becomes more intense once he figures out how to meld his mouth against her own. She's playful, nibbling on his bottom lip, licking his teeth, sucking his tongue. Never in his wildest dreams did he think something like this could be so pleasurable. He feels drunk on her kiss. Through it all, Alex is grinding on his lap, against where his co*ck is bulging through his pants, and it takes everything not to cum right then and there.

"I think it's time I touched you, Father." Alex pulls away from him. Bobby makes a miserable noise of assent at the loss of her kiss, unable to do anything but pant while she pulls off his lap. The wood creaks like earlier, in that telltale way that lets him know she's kneeling before him. Anxiety-ridden, his tongue darts out to swipe over his now kiss-swollen lips.

"Help me get these off of you." Reaching up, she unbuttons his slacks, unzips them. Bobby lifts his hips for her, eagerly helping her shimmy them off. He tries not to think about how his erection is much more visible now through his boxers. Tries not to feel embarrassed, considering he'd never been exposed to someone in this way.

"I wonder, have you done this to yourself before?" Alex lazily runs her hands across Bobby's thighs as she teases him. "How often do your thoughts wander to things they shouldn't, Father? Do your hands wander, too?"

"Alexandra…" Bobby groans.

"I asked you a question, Father."

"I try to abstain, but…"


"But recently… Something has overcome me." Bobby admits. His face is hot as he speaks, flush with humiliation. "For the first time in my life, I've started to…"

"Come on." Her hands are massaging him now. It's distracting. His breath hitches. "Tell me, Father. Confess, if you will."

"masturbat*." Bobby blurts out. Between the admission and her touches, his nerves were on fire. "I can't help it. Since you've started coming to my booth, telling me all of your fantasies, I can't think of anything else. I come into this booth just like we are now, late at night, to stroke myself and picture you on the other side, talking to me. Talking me through it. Telling me how to pleasure myself." Once he starts, he can't stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth, a recurring thing when he speaks to this woman. Funnily enough, he does feel like a weight's been lifted off his chest after confessing. Huh. He gets the appeal now.

"Naughty priest." Alex wastes no more time in yanking his boxers down, revealing his length to her. "You want me to tell you what to do, Father? You want to be good for me, listen to all of my directions and be praised for it? Even though it's a sin?"

"I do. Please, Alexandra. I'll do anything." Bobby pleads. Alex's shallow breaths against him are like torture, the puffs of air teasingly grazing his slick co*ck from her position on the confessional floor. Being blindfolded only added to his sensitivity, his body in overdrive. That, on top of the fact he's never felt anything like it. He can't help the whimper that leaves his mouth. He wants her. Needs her more than he's ever needed anything in his life.

"Aww, baby." Alex coos at him in response, running manicured fingernails across his bare thigh, leaving red marks. His dick twitches at the slight pain from touch, tip swollen and leaking pre-cum. "Just look at the way you're dripping all over yourself. You're so excited. How cute."

Heat blooms in his cheeks. Never had a woman spoken to him in this way. It was condescending, as if she were talking to a puppy instead of a grown man. It makes him dizzy, makes him feel really good. Why he enjoys it, he isn't sure, but decides to not overthink it.

The first press of her lips on his dick has Bobby squeezing his eyes shut. The sensation is so foreign. It sends a wave of pleasure through him that has his stomach clenching. It's so wrong - so wrong that it's right. He wishes he could see her, wants to know what she looks like with her lips parted around his co*ck, but feeling her is enough for now. After a lifetime of no pleasure, he'll be grateful for anything he can get.

"It's almost a shame, Father. To think you'd let this dick of yours go to waste… You're so big." Bobby is too shy to respond to that. The priest isn't completely innocent. He's aware that he's more well endowed in comparison to your average man. Still, hearing her acknowledge it, with a hunger in voice he's never heard anyone direct towards him before…

"Thank you?" His voice comes out higher than usual, unsure of how to answer.

Alex's mouth is warm when she finally takes his co*ck into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head of his dick, teasing the tip of him gently. As she swallows him further, she breathes through her nose. Her throat convulses when he reaches the back of her throat, before relaxing around him, and holy f*ck, her mouth feels so good, so unbelievably wet around him. He chokes out a sob, looking for something, anything to hold on to. His hands are guided to her hair, and he slips his hands into her soft locks, gripping them gently like a lifeline. "Alexandra…"

The moan she lets out, when she finally has as much of him she can take in her mouth, reverberates around his co*ck. It's his turn to moan after that. Still clutching her hair, her head bobs up and down as she begins blowing him. Her hand wraps around whatever she can't get into her mouth, jerking off whatever doesn't fit. Bobby couldn't believe the pleasure he had been missing out on.

He wants nothing more than to stay buried in the back of her throat, engulfed in the heavenly heat of her mouth, but Alex has other plans. She teases him with her tongue, playfully licking up the underside of his shaft at a painful pace. Bobby hears something else, something wet that's not the sound of her sucking him. The realization shoots straight to his dick, and he lets out a whine as she chooses that moment to swallow him once more.

"Are you… Are you touching yourself, Alexandra?" f*ck.

"Mhm." Alex moans around him before pulling her mouth back off with a pop.

She hasn't stopped using her hand on him, stroking him. Now that he's listening for the sound, he can hear how wet she is while she fingers herself. The sound is erotic, like music to his ears. Her head drops to rest against his thigh. "I can't help myself. You should see how you look while I suck you off. You look so f*cking wrecked. Is this the first time you've ever had your dick sucked, Father?"

"Yes." Bobby chokes out. He needed her to touch him, needed to be in her mouth again. "It's the first time I've done anything sexual with another person… Please." He desperately wants her to continue.

"And I'm the lucky woman who gets to corrupt you. How fun." Her breath ghosts over his arousal once more. Finally, he thinks she's about to put him back in her mouth until they hear a loud bang. A creak. It's the church doors opening.

His heart drops to his stomach. Nearly groans out loud, because why did recognizing what the sound was make him harder?

"Better be quiet, Father." Alex whispers. The scarf is removed from his eyes and shoved into his mouth.

He can see her now, and frankly, she's the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen. Even more surprising was that he recognized her. Beautiful, short blonde hair, hazel eyes… arms so toned, he wouldn't be surprised if she could toss a man his size around like nothing. Mrs. Eames, his brain supplies, a woman he assisted with her husband's funeral the year prior. He has no time to dwell on the realization, not with her hand around him, pumping him slower than before. It's maddening. Deliberate. He wants to squeeze his eyes shut with pleasure, but he can't tear his gaze from Alex as she lowers her mouth, wraps her exquisite lips back around his co*ck.

"Check the back. There are homeless folks who like to wander in sometimes." It's Father Deakins' voice, which can only mean Father Carver was with him.

"Looks clear. Let's lock up." It was Carver.

The scarf in his mouth becomes his lifeline. Inhaling shallowly through his nose, he tries not to gasp and whine as she deepthroats him with renewed fervor. Smugly, she looks up at him the whole time, never breaking eye contact, even with his co*ck is prodding the back of her throat. He doesn't know how much more of this he can take, his release creeping on him faster than he'd like. From the way she begins to slow down, Alexandra seems to know that too. It's painfully good, the way she keeps him on the edge, and he wishes she'd let him finish, getting caught be damned.

Please, he begs internally, not quite sure if this is something he should be addressing to the Lord. Please, let them leave.

His prayers are answered as the door is shut, the large clanking of chains from outside indicating they had padlocked the door shut. Bobby shakily exhales in relief around the scarf. He's so, so close -

Alex lifts her mouth off him and he doesn't get to finish. "You did so well, honey. You did such a good job for me, Father." The gentle kiss she presses onto the tip of his co*ck makes his hips jerk.

He blushes at the praise, feeling woozy with desire. God, how could he be upset after that? His co*ck is heavy, painfully hard against his thigh, slick with Alexandra's saliva. Her scarf was still in his mouth, drenched in saliva. Despite his upper half remaining clothed, he felt naked to her eyes. Like she could read every one of his desperate thoughts with just a look.

He could see it now, how she looked at him like prey. Like something to eat. Had she looked at him like this during service? If so, how could he have missed it? Would he have even done anything if he didn't?

Alex rises before him, and he takes in her appearance. The neckline of her shirt was just low enough to be modest, but could be considered pushing it. Her skirt had been discarded next to his pants - he could see the dark patch of where she'd soaked through her panties, and how the fabric clung to her. His co*ck twitches at the sight, and it doesn't escape her notice. She laughs.

"Out of the booth now, sweetheart." Her command is cooed gently as she pulls the scarf from his mouth, leaving it on the bench beside him. Her hands feel small in his as she pulls him out of the booth, and he wonders at how someone so petite could have so much control over him. Helplessly he follows as she guides him over to the altar. He has to keep from flinching, has to keep from looking into the eyes of Jesus all around him. Instead, he focuses on Alex.

Perhaps he was right to think she was a devil sent to taunt him, corrupt him. Despite the foot long difference between them, he feels small, feels as if her domineering presence towers over him. The lack of his experience has him unsure of what to do with himself. He looks at her with pleading eyes, hoping she'll take pity on him, that she'll give him instructions in that beautiful voice of hers.

"Father." Alex whispers, reaching up to stroke his cheek. He leans into the touch. "Undress me. Touch me. Worship me."

Blasphemy. She was asking him to commit blasphemy, surrounded by the watchful eyes of statues of saints, of Jesus. To worship someone other than God was the ultimate sin.

I am the Lord, your God. He remembers. He repeats it over and over as he leans down to press a tentative kiss to her neck. To her throat.

"Yes. Let me." He tells her pleadingly, despite himself. "You are the most perfect woman I have ever seen, Alexandra." He pants. His hands tremble as they undo the first button of her shirt. He presses his nose into her neck, inhales the scent of her that comforts him so deeply. Turns him on. He can't deny any longer that he's a pervert. He's f*cked up. Even with the little knowledge he has of sexual matters, he knows that this fixation on her smell is not normal. "So perfect." He sighs against her throat.

Bobby's hands don't stop shaking, but they do grow steadier as he continues his work. Once the last button is undone, he pulls her shirt off completely and is rewarded with the prettiest, perkiest pair of tit* he ever laid eyes on. Not that he's ever seen any in person. No, he'd only peeked in magazines that would circulate around the priests' quarters before getting confiscated, but never for long enough. He groans, co*ck throbbing harder than before.

Worship me. Her words echo in his head. He can feel her eyes on him. She's waiting. Wanting to see what he'll do. Oh, how Bobby wants to please her, show her that in the span of an hour, she has become the only thing that f*cking matters to him. Over his own needs, over his devotion to God. Hooking his fingers into her underwear, all white and lace, he gently pulls them off her. Like earlier, he does the same for her that she did him and helps her step out of them. His eyes are glued to her puss*, how it glistens with her arousal. All of that was because of him. For him.

Christ, he can't help himself as he lifts her soaked panties to his face. The scent of her arousal floods his nostrils, and has him moaning into the cloth.

"You're so cute, Father. So depraved. All this time you've been so repressed, just needing someone to coax it out of you, hm?" Alex murmurs as she steps closer to him. His co*ck juts against the supple flesh of her stomach. He nods, a whine escaping the back of his throat. It's all he can do to hold himself back from rutting against her.

"Mhm." He breathes out. His hands reach forward to cup her breasts gently, unsure of how to touch her. The eager way she presses her tit* into his palms spurs him on, gives him confidence to squeeze them a little more firmly. "For weeks, you've had me losing my sanity, Alexandra. I've needed you this whole time. You had already corrupted me. Without a single touch." His thumbs begin flicking up and down against her pebbled nipples in an experimental touch.

"Yes. " Alex moans. "You're a quick learner, Father." He's rolling them between his thumb and forefinger now. All he wants is to please her. Looking down, he sees her rubbing her thighs together in an attempt to get some relief. It's satisfying to know - to see - that he was affecting her as much as she had him.

Bobby's acting purely on instinct when he bends his head, capturing a nipple in his mouth. He swirls his tongue around it, enjoying the way she arches into his mouth once he begins to suck. Alex cradles his head, pressing him further into her chest.

After giving her other nipple the same treatment, Bobby can't take it anymore, and neither can she. Alex backs up from him. Then, she hoists herself on to the altar. She looks exquisite. The perfect shape of her body, her gentle curves, her toned legs…. All of it was on display for him. She spreads her legs, showing him the tantalizing wetness between her thighs. God.

The shakiness returned, but even worse now. He was so turned on, so ready, but so nervous. He'd taken a vow of celibacy, and here he was, throwing it out of the stained glass window. Even worse, that wasn't what was bothering him. No, he no longer had reservations about their actions. His only concern was that he'd never had sex before. What if he couldn't make her feel good? What if he came too fast?

"On the pew." She calls out, interrupting his anxious musings. In confusion, he turns to the direction of her gaze. There, a bible, resting on the pew to his right. "Grab it and come to me."

Honestly, she could tell him to run out of this church naked at this point and he'd do it. He retrieves the bible, walking back to the altar obediently. Wordlessly, he holds it out for her.

"Thank you, baby." She tells him, opening up the book and flipping through it. Baby. f*ck, he was a grown man getting butterflies from being called baby.

"We're going to play a game. I'm going to warm your co*ck, and while I do, you're going to recite this verse for me. It's important to me that you read this. If you do well and don't stumble, I'll let you f*ck me. Maybe I'll let you finish in me, Father. How does that sound to you?"

Heat pulses through him at the thought of being inside her, filling her with his come. "God, Alexandra. Yes… please." Bobby begs. "That sounds so good. I'll do anything. I just don't know how."

"I know you don't." Alexandra teases, laying back on the altar. She holds the bible open on her tummy, and the sight of her is so delightfully sinful. One side of his brain is scolding him, telling him the bible is a sacred thing and she shouldn't be doing that. The other, much louder side of his brain is saying to Hell with it. "So I'll tell you what to do. And you'll be good and listen, won't you?"

"I'll be good. I'll listen…" Bobby's mind is hazy with lust. All he wants is to be told what to do, to submit to her and follow her directions.

"Grab your co*ck." Without a moment's hesitation he wraps a hand around himself, nearly moaning at the relief. "Just like that. And start rubbing it against me. Slowly."

Following her instructions, Bobby gently nudges the head of his dick against her folds. God, her puss* was dripping. Without even penetrating her, he grew covered in the evidence of her arousal. If just rubbing against her felt this good, he didn't know what to expect from being inside her. Bobby hears her breathing heavier, knows he is too, and sees her hips slightly lifted off the altar, tilted up toward him. He knows he'll have to play her game and start reading when he's inside her, but right now he can't tear his eyes away from the erotic sight in front of him.

"Oh, Father." Alex pants. He feels pleased to hear her so worked up. He wants her to lose control, just like him. "Circle the tip against my cl*t. That's this, right here." Her own hand reaches down to show him, wrapping her hand around his, guiding him. "This spot on a woman is very sensitive, okay? Be gentle…"

Bobby does as she asks, rubbing his co*ck against her cl*t in the way she tells him. He didn't think she could get wetter, but she does, thighs trembling from pleasure as her back arches off the altar. It feels mind-numbingly good. He wants to know what it feels like to be inside her.

"Put it in me, Father. f*ck me."

Finally, what he wants to hear. He slowly pushes inside her, working her c*nt open. Bobby doesn't know anymore, where he ends and she begins. Nothing in his life has felt as right sinking into her puss*. Not any amount of praying, not the countless hours he poured into learning the ins and outs of the bible, or the years he devoted himself to nothing but God and the Church. He could imagine no better Heaven than this. Her c*nt was the true f*cking paradise - warm, wet and clenching around him so tightly he thought he'd never be able to pull himself out. This woman was his ruination, his damnation, all presented to him in the seductive visage of the most stunning woman he's ever laid eyes on. And to think, he had been sacrificing feeling all of this for years.

Bobby bottoms out inside her. He squeezes his eyes shut, breathing deeply as he focuses on not losing it. "God. " He whines out, biting his lip. Even though he hadn't started moving yet, his co*ck feels so overwhelmingly good with her wrapped around him. Slowly, he opens his eyes to a smug-looking Alex.

"That good, hm?" The woman lifts her legs, wrapping them around his waist, and suddenly he slides in deeper. A choked moan leaves his throat. "Start reading." She taps a section on the page. "Here."

Bobby is slightly horrified as he skims the passage she selected for him, but he wants to be good for her, follow her directions. "It is God’s will that you should be sanctified…"

"What else, Father?"

"That you should avoid… sexual immorality. That each of you should learn to control your own body." Sexual immorality be damned, Bobby wants to move. How had he gone his whole life without this pleasure?

"Go on." A groan escapes his mouth as she squeezes her puss* around him. This woman was f*cking with him, trying to get him to screw up the very thing she asked him to do. It was wicked, cruel, and attractive in a way that confused him.

"In a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God." Shakily exhaling, he meets her eyes. He did it; read the stupid phrase meant to mock him.

"Good boy. Do you know what that means, Father? You're a sinner, just like me. A dirty f*cking pervert." The expression on her face was one of pure satisfaction, knowing she'd dragged him into this world of debauchery. She'd ruined him, and he let her. "Remember that while you f*ck me. Now move your hips, sweetheart."

"Thank you, thank you." The priest nearly cries from relief. He withdraws his hips, almost completely pulling out. Carefully he pushes back into her, enjoying the drag of his co*ck against her inner walls. His eyes flutter close, mouthed parting slightly in pleasure.

The bible slides off of her and falls to the ground, forgotten. He's too mesmerized by the way her tit* bounce as he picks up his pace to care. Too lost in the feel of her. His hands roam her body, tugging on her nipples, tracing her stomach, landing on her delicate hips. The grip he keeps on them is tight, like clutching a lifeline, helping him rut into her faster and harder.

"You're f*cking me so, so well." Alex praises him, fisting her hands in the altar's cloth. The combined sounds of her sobs of pleasure, their f*cking, the wet, smacking flesh as he drives in and out of her c*nt, echo throughout the church. If anyone were to pass by from the outside, surely they'd hear. And f*ck, he's fueled by the thought of it. He lifts her legs, resting them on his shoulders and pushes into her deeper. One of Alex's hands reaches up to grab his shirt, bringing him to her in a heated kiss as he desperately pounds into her. "Good boy." She pants out when they part.

"Wanna be good for you." Bobby's head swims at the thought. All he wants is to please her, satisfy her. Wants to create a whole new religion, claiming Alexandra as his goddess. "I'm so close. Please." Christ, he could barely think, moaning and whining instead of getting out any more words. He feels her puss* contracts around him, and while he may be inexperienced, he thinks that means she's close, too.

"Cum for me, Father. You've been so good. You deserve it." Alex's manicured hand is wrapped back around his throat, and unlike earlier, her fingers are pressing into either side of his neck. Bobby feels light-headed, everything suddenly feeling so much more intense. It sends him over the edge, hips stuttering as he spills into her with a whine. His own release has Alex coming undone along with him. Her puss* convulses around him, practically milking him dry. The sudden rush of oxygen he gets when she lets go, combined with the pleasure and relief of finally getting to cum, makes him feel euphoric. They stay joined together, riding out the aftershocks of their org*sms. Alex is the first to open her mouth and let out a shaky breath.

"f*ck." Is all she says.

Bobby collapses on her, burying his head into her neck, panting. The feminine smell of her fills his nose, comforting him. Alex gently strokes his hair. His mind is reeling as he comes to term with what he - they - just did.

"You did wonderfully, Father." The softness of her voice soothes him as catches his breath.

"Just Bobby is okay." Bobby mumbles into her neck. He peers up at her, looking at this woman who inserted herself into his life and ruined him. What was he supposed to do now? No, he could never go back to the way things were before. He could never turn his back on this and pretend like it never happened, but he couldn't abandon his religion, either.

"So, Bobby," Alex smiles at him knowingly, with a mischievous raise of her brow. "Same time at the confessional next week?"

Good Graces, Bad Influence - Akujiko (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.