Top 5 Best Compression Gloves for Arthritis | Buoy (2024)

UpdatedFebruary 28, 2024

Arthritis is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints, making it difficult to perform even the simplest of tasks. Fortunately, there are products available that can help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with arthritis, such as compression gloves.

Compression gloves are designed to provide support and warmth to the hands, which can help reduce pain and inflammation. They work by applying pressure to the affected areas, which can improve blood flow and promote healing. These gloves are available in a variety of materials, sizes, and styles, making it easy to find the right pair for your needs.

When shopping for compression gloves for arthritis, it's important to pay attention to the fit and material. Gloves that are too tight can restrict movement and cause discomfort, while those that are too loose may not provide enough compression. Additionally, some materials may be more comfortable or breathable than others, so it's important to consider your individual needs.

We understand the importance of finding the right products to help manage arthritis symptoms. That's why we've spent hours researching and testing various compression gloves to identify the best options for those with arthritis. In the following sections, we'll share our top picks and provide a detailed breakdown of each product's features and benefits.

Top 3 Best Compression Gloves for Arthritis

1. Copper Compression Arthritis Gloves

2. Duerer Arthritis Gloves

3. DRNAIETY Compression Gloves

We understand the discomfort and pain that comes with arthritis. That's why we've researched and tested various compression gloves to help you find the best ones on the market. Our roundup includes gloves that provide support, compression, and warmth to help alleviate arthritis symptoms. Check out our top picks below.

Copper Compression Arthritis Gloves

The Editor's Choice

Experience soothing relief with Copper Compression Arthritis Gloves. Crafted with precision and infused with copper, these gloves provide unparalleled support and warmth for achy joints. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to improved mobility. Embrace comfort and functionality with every wear. Elevate your hand care routine today.

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We highly recommend the Copper Compression Arthritis Gloves for anyone suffering from arthritis, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, or other hand-related medical conditions. These gloves provide the compression needed to reduce swelling and pressure, increase blood flow, restrict excess fluid build-up, and relieve aching and soreness in joints.


  • The copper-infused fibers unite comfort with functionality, providing 4-way stretch construction, open finger design, and non-slip palm grips that allow you to maintain your full range of motion and grip.
  • The moisture-wicking fabric keeps palms dry, cool, and comfortable, making them suitable for day and night wear while you work, play, and sleep.
  • These gloves are available in five sizes (XS, S, M, L, and XL) and have been carefully constructed to provide real compression and support to hands, palms, fingers, and knuckles.


  • These gloves may feel too tight, especially the first few times you wear them, but this is necessary for the compression to be effective.
  • The gloves may deteriorate over time, especially if you are active with your hands.
  • Some customers have reported that the gloves may not fit their specific compression needs.

If you're looking for relief from hand pain, the Copper Compression Arthritis Gloves are a great option. They're easy to care for, withstanding washing without losing their functionality, and come with an extended warranty. These gloves are even suitable for milder conditions, such as stiff or sore muscles, tendons, and joints. Overall, we highly recommend these gloves for anyone seeking pain relief and support.

If you're looking for a comfortable and effective solution for arthritis pain, the Duerer Arthritis Gloves are a great option.


  • The gloves are made of a soft and breathable fabric that is comfortable to wear all day long.
  • The open finger design allows for easy movement and flexibility while still providing compression support.
  • The gloves are effective at relieving joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis, musculoskeletal arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.


  • Some users may find the sizing to be slightly off, so it's important to measure your hands carefully before ordering.
  • The gloves may not provide enough compression for those with severe arthritis pain.
  • The gloves may not be suitable for those with latex allergies, as they contain spandex.

We recently tried out the Duerer Arthritis Gloves and were impressed with how comfortable they were to wear. The fabric is soft and breathable, so we were able to wear them all day without feeling too hot or uncomfortable. The open finger design was also a nice touch, as it allowed us to perform everyday tasks like typing and using our phones without any issues.

We found that the gloves provided effective compression support, which helped to relieve joint pain and stiffness. We also appreciated that they were easy to wash and maintain, and that they held up well over time.

Overall, we would definitely recommend the Duerer Arthritis Gloves to anyone looking for a comfortable and effective solution for arthritis pain. They may not be suitable for everyone, but for those who find them to be a good fit, they can be a real lifesaver.

We highly recommend the DRNAIETY Compression Gloves for anyone suffering from arthritis pain in their hands.


  • The breathable and dehumidifying fabrics provide support and compression to the affected area, effectively addressing pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.
  • The finger-free design allows for easy performance of everyday tasks such as using a phone, typing, and cooking without interference.
  • The lightweight and breathable wearable fabric ensures superior comfort and mobility, making it comfortable to wear for hours on end.


  • Some users may find the gloves to be too tight at the top of their fingers.
  • The sizing may not be suitable for those with larger hands.
  • It may take some time to see noticeable results from wearing the gloves.

These gloves have been a game-changer for us in managing our arthritis pain. The compression and support provided by the gloves have significantly reduced our hand pain and stiffness. We love the finger-free design that allows us to perform everyday tasks without any interference. The gloves are made of lightweight and breathable fabric, making them comfortable to wear for extended periods.

While some users may find the gloves to be too tight at the top of their fingers, we have found that making a small cut at the tip of each finger provides enough relief. Additionally, the sizing may not be suitable for those with larger hands. It may take some time to see noticeable results from wearing the gloves, but we believe that the benefits are well worth the wait. Overall, we highly recommend the DRNAIETY Compression Gloves for anyone looking for relief from arthritis pain in their hands.

We highly recommend the BraceBull Arthritis Gloves for anyone looking for a comfortable and effective solution to arthritis pain and hand fatigue.


  • The 4-way compression design effectively relieves arthritis pain by reducing stress on pressure points while still allowing full range of motion.
  • Copper infusion directly into the fibers delivers maximum hygienic benefits and lasting relief.
  • The fingerless sleeve design allows for optimal balance between beneficial compression support and finger/thumb mobility, making it easy to perform everyday tasks without interference.


  • The sizing may be tricky, so be sure to properly measure your hands before ordering to ensure a comfortable fit.
  • The gloves may be too thick for some people to wear while typing or using small objects.
  • The compression may be too tight for those with very sensitive skin.

The BraceBull Arthritis Gloves are a game-changer for anyone suffering from arthritis pain and hand fatigue. The 4-way compression design effectively supports the natural shape of your hand, while the copper infusion directly into the fibers delivers maximum hygienic benefits and lasting relief. The fingerless sleeve design allows for optimal balance between beneficial compression support and finger/thumb mobility, making it easy to perform everyday tasks without interference.

The lightweight, breathable cotton-spandex material ensures comfortable wear all day long, while the moisture-wicking fabric keeps an optimal joint temperature. The gloves are also unisex and easy to clean, making them ideal for men, women, and seniors.

Overall, the BraceBull Arthritis Gloves are a great investment for anyone looking for effective arthritis pain relief and improved hand mobility.

If you suffer from arthritis, these compression gloves can help alleviate pain and stiffness in your hands, allowing you to perform daily tasks with ease.


  • Made of high-performance cotton spandex fabric and German 3D craftsmanship for superior breathability, comfort, and mobility.
  • Fingerless and non-slip design allows for uninterrupted use of fingers while still providing beneficial compression support.
  • Available in different sizes to fit a variety of hand sizes and shapes.


  • Compression may not be strong enough for some individuals.
  • May not fit as snugly as some other compression gloves on the market.
  • Some customers have reported that the gloves wear out quickly with frequent use.

We tried out the DRNAIETY Compression Gloves and found them to be comfortable and easy to wear. The fingerless design allowed us to perform tasks such as typing and cooking without interruption, while the compression provided relief from arthritis pain and swelling. The gloves were made of high-quality materials and were easy to clean.

While the compression may not be strong enough for everyone, we found that it was effective for mild to moderate arthritis pain. Additionally, the gloves may not fit as snugly as some other compression gloves on the market, but they still provided enough compression to be effective.

Overall, we would recommend the DRNAIETY Compression Gloves to anyone looking for a comfortable and effective way to alleviate arthritis pain in their hands.

Buying Guide

When looking for the best compression gloves for arthritis, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key features to look for when making your purchase:


Compression gloves can be made from a variety of materials, including cotton, spandex, and nylon. It is important to choose a material that is comfortable and breathable, as you will likely be wearing the gloves for extended periods of time. Look for gloves that are made with moisture-wicking materials to help keep your hands dry.

Compression Level

Compression gloves come in different levels of compression, ranging from mild to moderate to firm. The level of compression you need will depend on the severity of your arthritis and your personal preferences. Mild compression gloves are ideal for those with mild arthritis, while those with more severe arthritis may benefit from gloves with firmer compression.

Size and Fit

It is important to choose compression gloves that fit properly to ensure maximum effectiveness. Be sure to measure your hand and consult the sizing chart provided by the manufacturer before making your purchase. Look for gloves that have adjustable straps or closures to ensure a comfortable and secure fit.


Compression gloves come in a variety of designs, including full finger, half finger, and open finger. Full finger gloves provide the most compression and warmth, while open finger gloves allow for greater dexterity. Half finger gloves provide a balance between compression and dexterity.


Compression gloves can range in price from under $10 to over $50. While price should not be the only factor you consider, it is important to choose gloves that fit your budget. Look for gloves that offer good value for their price and that come with a warranty or satisfaction guarantee.

By considering these key features, you can find the best compression gloves for arthritis that meet your needs and provide relief from your symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What features should I look for in arthritis compression gloves?

When choosing arthritis compression gloves, look for ones that provide a snug fit without being too tight. The gloves should have graduated compression, meaning that the compression is strongest at the fingers and gradually decreases towards the wrist. Look for gloves made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials that are comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.

Can wearing compression gloves improve arthritis symptoms?

Compression gloves can help to improve arthritis symptoms by reducing pain and swelling in the hands. The compression helps to increase circulation and promote healing. Many people find that wearing compression gloves regularly can also improve their grip and dexterity.

Are there specific brands of compression gloves recommended by healthcare professionals?

There are several brands of compression gloves that are recommended by healthcare professionals, including IMAK, Thermoskin, and Copper Compression. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the gloves may vary depending on the individual.

How long can compression gloves be worn each day for maximum benefit?

Compression gloves can be worn for several hours at a time for maximum benefit. It is recommended to wear the gloves for at least 30 minutes at a time, several times throughout the day. However, it is important to listen to your body and remove the gloves if they become uncomfortable.

What is the difference between warming gloves and compression gloves for arthritis relief?

Warming gloves provide heat therapy to the hands, which can help to improve circulation and reduce pain. Compression gloves, on the other hand, provide gentle pressure to the hands to reduce swelling and improve circulation. While both types of gloves can be helpful for arthritis relief, compression gloves are often recommended for those with swelling and inflammation.

How effective are compression gloves in reducing hand swelling associated with arthritis?

Compression gloves can be very effective in reducing hand swelling associated with arthritis. The gentle pressure helps to improve circulation and reduce inflammation, which can lead to a reduction in swelling and pain. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the gloves may vary depending on the individual and the severity of their arthritis.

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Top 5 Best Compression Gloves for Arthritis | Buoy (2024)


Top 5 Best Compression Gloves for Arthritis | Buoy? ›

Compression gloves are commonly prescribed to arthritis patients in the NHS with the intent of easing pain, reducing swelling, and improving function of the hands. They are also sometimes worn while sleeping, with the aim to reduce hand stiffness in the mornings.

Are compression gloves good for arthritis? ›

Compression gloves are commonly prescribed to arthritis patients in the NHS with the intent of easing pain, reducing swelling, and improving function of the hands. They are also sometimes worn while sleeping, with the aim to reduce hand stiffness in the mornings.

What is the best product to use for arthritis in your hands? ›

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These drugs reduce pain and swelling in affected joints. Examples include ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, celecoxib. Topical NSAIDs are the first topical treatment of choice for osteoarthritis.

How many hours a day should you wear compression gloves? ›

The gloves are designed to be worn for 8 hours -- about the length of time you sleep. So if you keep them on overnight, you might see a difference in: Swelling. Compression gloves can help with puffy fingers.

What compress is best for arthritis? ›

Cold packs numb the sore area and reduce inflammation and swelling. Ice packs are especially good for joint pain caused by an arthritis flare. You might also try using a local spray such as fluoromethane (nonflammable) on your back or painful area before and after exercise.

What gloves are good for arthritis? ›

Comparison table
NamePriceBest for
Dr. Arthritis Full Fingered Compression Gloves$arthritis
Thermoskin Premium Arthritic Gloves$$arthritis
Intellinetix Therapy Gloves$$$nerve pain, such as fibromyalgia
ComfyBrace Arthritis Compression Gloves$rheumatoid arthritis
5 more rows

What is the best vitamin for arthritis in your hands? ›

Several nutritional supplements have shown promise for relieving pain, stiffness and other arthritis symptoms. Glucosamine and chondroitin, omega-3 fatty acids, SAM-e and curcumin are just some of the natural products researchers have studied for osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

What makes arthritis in the hands worse? ›

In advanced disease, the joint pain may wake you up at night. Pain might be made worse with use and relieved by rest. Many people with arthritis complain of increased joint pain with rainy weather. Activities that once were easy, such as opening a jar or starting the car, become difficult due to pain.

What are the side effects of compression gloves? ›

How Long to Wear Compression Gloves
  • Numbness in your fingers and/or hand.
  • A sensation of tingling or pins and needles.
  • An allergic reaction (typically itchy skin, redness, or increased swelling)
  • Skin irritation.
  • Sleep disturbance due to the effects of the gloves.
Dec 18, 2023

Should you sleep with compression gloves on? ›

Day time • Wear as long as needed to help with swelling, pain or stiffness. Do not wear while driving as you may not be able to grip. Night time • Wear your gloves overnight if you have swelling, pain or stiffness then.

Do copper gloves really work for arthritis? ›

They are marketed as helpful in relieving arthritis pain. While some consumer reviews are positive, wearing copper jewelry has long been shown to have no clinical effect on arthritis. Gloves with copper filaments are unlikely to give relief for arthritis pain in any way other than the placebo effect.

Are arthritis gloves any good? ›

In that study, researchers used 260 participants. They concluded that arthritis gloves provided no improvement in hand pain, stiffness, or function, and they found them not to be cost-effective.

How to tell if compression gloves are too big? ›

The most important thing is how the glove feels on your hand. A well-fit compression glove should feel like it's giving your hand a gentle hug. Find a size that fits snuggly but still allows you to move and live your life.

Does compression wear help arthritis? ›

Alleviate the Perception of Pain

According to Karena Wu, DPT, owner and clinical director at ActiveCare Physical Therapy in New York City, compression clothing can ease the pain of psoriatic arthritis by reducing stress on key pressure points.

Which is better for arthritis heat or cold? ›

Both heat and cold therapy may help ease symptoms of arthritis. Heat may help relieve aches and stiffness, while cold therapy may help ease swelling and pain. Applying heat or cold to affected parts of the body may help relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of arthritis.

Do vibrating arthritis gloves work? ›

In general, compared with the control subjects, those in the experimental condition demonstrated reduced pain intensity (P < 0.05) after using the vibrating gloves. No differences were found between groups on activity interference, mood, or sleep.

Do finger sleeves work for arthritis? ›

The Arthritis Foundation explains that ring splints can stabilize finger joints and support the joint in its usual range of motion. This can help reduce the pain accompanying inflammation of the joints in osteoarthritis of the hands and rheumatoid arthritis.


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