Healthy Recipes – teamfreedomnse (2024)

Category Archives: Healthy Recipes

Jul 27 2012

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Healthy Recipes

my go at the elusive CAULIFLOWER CRUSTpizza

Ok, so if you’re anywhere near the world of Pinterest or healthy foodie blogs, you may have heard of the cauliflower crust pizza. Sounds amazing? I thought so. So I decided to give it a try. And I decided to share it here on the blog because I feel like a lot of the things we read or we have seen done so amazingly well are just… well, kinda elusive and maybe even fake. (there, I said it) 🙂 So, you have to “rice” the cauliflower, cook it to get it to a smooth texture and then bake it like a pizza… Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah, um… it was A LOT of work. I didn’t take pictures of it all, because I didn’t think I’d be posting about it on the Team Freedom blog. And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t try, but for me… it was just eh.

Here’s the cauliflower crust before baking. I didnt know if it would stick to my baking sheet, so I used my silpat mat for easy crust-i-ness.

And here’s what it looked like after. I went with a tasty (and super healthy) BBQ chicken with mozzarella cheese and tomatoes and red onion.

And now for the kicker. I wish I would have taken a picture of how the crust held up…. Wha wha wha… it was SUPER soggy. And no, it didn’t taste like bread. And nope sorry, I wouldn’t have been fooled if you told me it was a normal pizza. boo. I’m sad. Maybe if the pizzas were tiny-bite sized and they had more chance to “bake”…ugh. I give up. Let’s call this one a bust. And yep, I just scraped off most of the toppings on my slice and threw the mushy crust away. Sad. goodbye 2 hours worth of work.

My advice, if your going to eat pizza. Don’t try to healthify it. Just eat a darn good pizza of pizza and be happy. One piece won’t ruin your healthy eating.:)

Have a Happy Friday freedom friends!

Love and big slices of pizza,


Jul 14 2012

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Healthy Recipes, Uncategorized

An entire POST dedicated to Cherimoya’s (because the world just doesn’tknow)

What is a Cherimoya? Perhaps the Greatest Fruit on the Planet.

Healthy Recipes – teamfreedomnse (3)

The cherimoya (pronounced chair-uh-MOY-yuh) is the king of fruit. This is no surprise given that this ancient Incan fruit was originally reserved for royalty.

From external appearances, the cherimoya isn’t exactly captivating. It looks more like something out ofThe Flintstonesrather than an exquisite fruit. Don’t let its pre-historic appearance put you off. Slice open a cherimoya and you will discover a fragrant, ivory, custard-like flesh, hence its common name “custard apple.”

When selecting cherimoyas, look for green skin with a gold hue. Some fruits may be tinged with brown, which is ok; however, avoid fruits that are black or shriveled. Allow cherimoyas to ripen at room temperature. A ripe cherimoya, like a ripe avocado, should yield to gentle pressure, and will have a browner skin. (Note: In the first photo, the green cherimoya in the forefront needs a couple more days to ripen, while the browner cherimoya in the back is ready to eat.)

Once ripe, cherimoyas can be refrigerated for 1-2 days, but they will lose their flavor if kept longer. They are best eaten as soon as they reach full ripeness; their flavor is most intense when eaten at room temperature or just slightly chilled.

Healthy Recipes – teamfreedomnse (4)

What does a cherimoya taste like? A perfectly ripe cherimoya is an intoxicating combination of tropical flavors like bananas, coconut, strawberries, and mangoes. Some people also taste pineapple and papayas. Don’t think one fruit could possibly have all of those ambrosial flavors? Then try one to see for yourself.

Healthy Recipes – teamfreedomnse (5)

Slice the fruit in half, and using a spoon, scoop out the flesh. You could sprinkle it first with fresh lime juice; you could add the flesh to a smoothie; you could even make sherbet with it. But don’t. It’s best unadulterated, when you can truly appreciate its unique flavor and texture. Just be sure you don’t eat the shiny, large black seeds inside. Chomping on those will just send you to the dentist’s office.

Once you taste a cherimoya’s luscious, creamy flesh, you’ll understand whyMark Twaincalled it “the most delicious fruit known to man.”

Healthy Recipes – teamfreedomnse (6)

Where can you buy cherimoyas?Most U.S. cherimoyas are grown in CA and are available from early January through April. However, since they’re sensitive to temperature changes, the season varies from year to year. Few major supermarkets will likely carry cherimoyas; try specialty and organic markets, or go online to reputatble sites such Though they’re pricey, they’re worth every penny.

(written by food blogga)

So, who wants some? I’ve got like 10 of them in my refrigerator right now!!! Call me up! 🙂

Jul 11 2012

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Healthy Recipes, Weight Management

Sweet Potato GOODNESS from Pinch ofYum

Please tell me you love sweet potato’s. Just tell me. Because I have a love for them that is pretty strong. I crave sweet potato. Like for real, CRAVE. Not just the gnarly dish we make at Thanksgiving with the little puffy white marshmallows on top, no. I crave sweet potato all year round.

So I was REALLY excited to find this recipe created by Lindsay of Pinch of Yum. You have to go read her blog. It’s so hilarious… and I LOVE every recipe that I have tried. This one included! Don’t be afraid of trying something new. Sweet potatos are your friend. Promise! You’ll see.

Healthy Mexican Sweet Potato Skins

Author:Pinch of Yum

Prep time:20 mins

Cook time:60 mins

Total time:1 hour 20 mins



  • 3 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 can corn, rinsed and patted dry
  • 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 yellow onion, chopped
  • 2-4 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, minced or pureed
  • 1 ounce light cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup light sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon salt (+ more to taste)
  • 1/2 cup cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 6 tablespoons shredded cheese (Pepperjack, Cheddar, Colby Jack… anything will work)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake the sweet potatoes for 45-60 minutes.
  2. While sweet potatoes are baking, place corn in a heavy cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat with no butter or oil. Sprinkle with salt and other Mexican seasoning (as much as you want). Do not stir! Let corn roast for several minutes before stirring. Let it roast for a few more minutes before stirring again. Continue this for about 10 minutes, until corn is browned and roasted on the outside. Set aside in a small bowl with the black beans.
  3. Saute the onion in the butter over medium heat until soft and translucent. Set aside.
  4. Remove sweet potatoes from the oven when fork-tender. Let cool for 5-10 minutes. Cut the sweet potatoes in half. Scrape the flesh of the sweet potatoes out, leaving the skins intact. Sometimes leaving a thin layer of potato inside of the skins helps them hold together better.
  5. Mix the flesh of the sweet potatoes with the cream cheese, sour cream, chipotle peppers, and salt. You can use a mixer or just a spoon, depending on how soft the potatoes are. When well-mixed, gently stir in the black beans, roasted corn, sauteed onions, and cilantro.
  6. Scoop the filling into the skins and top each with 1 tablespoon shredded cheese. Broil for about 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.


The filling is delicious all by itself!

One serving size is 1 potato skin.

Jun 22 2012

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Healthy Recipes

Plan on Baking this weekend? Me too! Let’s make caketogether!

Totally salivated when I repinned this recipe on Pinterest the other day. Yet another recipe from the coolest Healthy dessert blog out there:

chocolate covered Katie’s got it goin’ on. If you don’t like coconut- you’re cray cray. It is like eating a piece of Heaven.


So make a little cake, invite some friends over to share and pat yourself on the back for being so

Jun 06 2012

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Healthy Recipes

Fiesta Lime Rice



I realized that every recipe I’ve post on the TEAM Freedom blog lately has been a dessert or sweet treat. And while it’d be really cool if you thought I was a sugar-fiend, cupcake crazed momma, I thought that maybe I should post something a little more savory. Because sometimes cupcakes for lunch is not the best choice 🙂

I loved this recipe for Fiesta Lime Rice. It’s like a party in your tummy (thanks Yo-Gabba-Gabba) haha. I LOVE Mexican and Latino flavors and I sometimes find myself craving some serious chips y salsa. And at 153 calories per serving, you can afford to really make it a party and celebrate the sunshine this summer. It’s quick and easy and comes together WITHOUT turning on your oven!

This meal is also really stretchable. You can eat it alone, you can stuff it into bell peppers and bake them up, you can put it in a wrap for a healthy quick and fresh lunch…. LOVE IT!

Here’s the recipe:

  • 1 1/2 cups cooked long grain rice (I like using brown rice)
  • 3/4 cup canned black beans, rinsed and heated
  • 3/4 cup cooked corn (I used Trader Joe’s Fire Roasted frozen Corn), heated
  • 1 large tomato, diced
  • 1 large scallion, diced fine
  • 2-4 tbsp chopped cilantro (to your liking)
  • 1 tbsp fresh squeezed lime juice
  • salt to taste

In a large bowl, combine hot rice, heated corn, heated beans, tomato, scallion, cilantro, lime juice and salt if needed. Toss and serve.

Fiesta Lime Rice
Servings:4 •Serving Size:1 cup •Old Points:2 pt •Points+:4 pt
Calories:152.8 •Fat:0.8 g •Protein:5.7 g •Carb:33.7 g •Fiber:4 g •Sugar:1.7

Look for more recipes on the Team Freedom blog soon! and not just desserts!!

Jun 06 2012

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Healthy Recipes, Uncategorized

yo-cake. (a healthiercupcake)

Raise your hand if you enjoy a cupcake.

(me with hand raised) “me, me, me! pick me!”

raise your hand if you like skinny jeans?

(me with TWO hands raised HIGH in the air– shouting)

“ME, ME, ME, ME.. I like skinny jeans, PICK ME”

Ok, now raise your hand if you would like both.

That’s what I thought.

Alright, alright- here ya go.. a recipe that will satisfy that cake loving monster inside of your tummy and will still let your cute bum slip into those skinnies.

I give you, the Yo-cake.

or Yogurt + Cupcake

These could not have been easier to make.

I whipped up a batch yesterday morning and I helped myself to TWO Yo-cakes before working out.

are you judging me?

Oh- ok, we’re good then….

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • One Box of cake mix ( I used Duncan Hines White Cake mix) You can also buy sugar free if you’re watching your sugar intake. And you can do this with ANY cake flavor
  • One cup of plain Greek Yogurt (I used Plain fa*ge 0%fat)
  • One cup of COLD water
  • Optional: fresh fruit for toppings and or fat free cool whip in place of gosh awful frosting

That’s iT! WHOOOOOO HOOOOO for three ingredients! I’m so down with recipes like this one!

Preheat Oven to 350

Mix all ingredients together and scoop into cupcake liners. I really like using the silicon liners for baking now. They’re so easy to use and re-use again and they make your cake taste amazing.. You can buy them online (or if you’re like me, go to Marshall’s and score a dozen of them for $2.99 YAY!)

Bake for 15 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean

I put a plop of cool whip light whipped cream on top with a sliced strawberry! YUM.and OH EM GEEE they come out so yummy! They’re like thick, cakey little pieces of warm goodness.The word “velvety” comes to mind… Super moist and decadent! Kind of like a brownie-cake hybrid.

  • Nutritional facts:
  • Serving Size: 1 Average size cupcake
  • Calories: approx 130

Hope you make them, hope you love them! Hope you get to wear skinny jeans and eat a cupcake for a special treat. Remember- it’s ok (and even mentally Healthy) for you to indulge in something you really love. You need to eat real food. Just make sure your REAL food is as “good” for you as possible. Eliminate yucky trans fats and sugars.

Lots of la la LOVE!


Tagged healthy-living

May 26 2012


Healthy Recipes

I let my 5 year old daughter namethese…

When I asked Miss S what she would name this dessert if she were asked to name them for the blog she blurted out Sparkle S’mores. hahah!!

I loved it, so that’s what we’ll call em.

Also, I’m having too much fun making tasty things and shooting picture of them. I love photographing food. It doesn’t run away from you like toddlers do. 🙂

So, I should give credit where it is due. I actually saw the concept of the Sparkle S’more on pinterest. But, it was a long time ago, and I didn’t pin the recipe (gasp) so I’m going to go ahead and say that I came up with these little babies all by myself.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, I may or may not have already eat three of them just to make sure they were blog worthy.

SO, if you want to know how difficult it is to make such a mouth-watering coloriffic dessert such as a Sparkle S’more, you should just read on. And then put your flip flops on because you’re going to need to go to the grocery store to buy TWO ingredients.


  • Graham Crackers (i used Honey Made)
  • Fat Free Cool Whip (I used fat free cool whip)

That’s IT!

Gob about 2T of cool whip on one half of a graham cracker, mush it together, decorate with sprinkles (or not) 🙂 and freeze for at least an hour (if you can make it that long)

75 calories per Sparkle S’more.

what the what?

I’m serious. And they’re super light and yummy and summery and you won’t feel guilty snarfing them down.

I’m running to my freezer now before hub sees this post and eats them all.

lots of love and sprinkles,


Tagged healthy-living, recipes

May 18 2012

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Healthy Recipes

Blank Canvas Pancakes

This is the first time I’m posting MY very own recipe and food photo on my blog! YAY!

I’m calling these pancakes Blank Canvas Pancakes

because that’s exactly what they are:

a GORGEOUS blank canvas for you to create tasty breakfast masterpieces.

These cakes are super cake-ish. The oatmeal in them makes you VERY full for a VERY long time!

I made these on Sunday morning and was very pleased that I wasn’t as famished as I usually am when we came home from church.

These pancakes can be categorized as “clean” or even “vegan” with a few alterations to the recipe. The coolest part is that you (and your family) get to be the creators of the flavor of the pancakes. Make a breakfast game out of it and see who can come up with the most amazing flavor combo (while still keeping it healthy- of course:)

I seem to take the simple route and just love the pancakes with a tiny bit of butter and a drizzle of pure maple syrup.

Mark loves using Natural Peanut butter and making a peanut butter/banana combo

Here are some other ideas:

Apple Pie pancakes (add some homemade applesauce to the batter before mixing)

Blueberry pancakes (throw in a handful of ripe fresh blueberries)

Nutella pancakes (do I need to elaborate?)

Banana Nut pancakes (chop up a banana and add some walnut to the batter)

The possibilities are endless…. I’m excited to hear what you make! Here’s the recipe for Blank Canvas Pancakes. Please go make them. Heck, make them for dinner- who cares! After one or two your tummy will be satisfied and you’ll love how yum-tastic they are!

  • 1/3 cup flour (ww pastry, spelt, Bob’s gluten-free, etc.)
  • 2 T rolled oats
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2/3 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 T sugar or 1 packet stevia (omit if you don’t want sweet pancakes)
  • 1/3 cup milk of choice ( I use Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk)
  • Unless youlike the taste of fat-free pancakes, add 1 T oil and reducemilk by that amount.

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl, then add wet. Mix, but don’t overmix. Cook on an oiled (or sprayed) pan, on low-medium, flipping each pancake once.

TWO pancakes are about 150 calories (plain)

make sure you calculate your toppings to get your correct calorie count.

great, now I want to go make some more….drool..

May 11 2012


Healthy Recipes

doin’ the HAPPY FRIDAYdance

Hey my friends! Today’s FRIDAY! yay! How was your week?

Mine was great too- thanks for asking! You’re so sweet….:) My family is planning on enjoying this gorgeous sunny So Cal weather this weekend and sampling some delicious (healthy) foods. 🙂 I made brunch this morning, only because I was too busy working out this morning to eat breakfast. brunch is great- yeah?

Anyway, tried a new recipe. and YUM-ness was beheld.

I modified another Healthy frittata recipe I saw on, wait for it… yes- Pinterest. Have you not learned of my LOVE? So I thought I’d snap a pic for you. Taken with my lovely little iphone…. I heart that gadget. And guess what? I can view Pinterest on my iphone.

life. complete.

Anyway, I’m wishing you a happy Friday, Happy Mother’s Day weekend. Hope all my Mom readers get spoiled and hope all my Dad readers already knew that it was Mother’s Day weekend…before reading this post! If not, it’s ok- I got your back. Go to Target, get her the biggest amount of gift card available, wrap it up and wah-la.

You are so very welcome.


you could make her some Mother’s Day brunch and pretend you had it all covered…:)

recipe modified from THIS one

1 1/2 cupEgg beaters (or 2 eggs and 8 egg whites)
2 cups(16 oz) Bag frozen vegetable mix of choice, de-thawed and squeezed dry.(I just chopped up a bunch of veggies I already had on hand) Carrots, Green beanspeas and some spinach)
1/2 cupFreshly grated parmesan cheese (or shredded mozzarella)
1/2 cupRed pepper, diced (or onion, or vegetable of choice) I added tomatoes
1/2 tspSalt
PinchPepper to taste



Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spray muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray.


Microwave frozen vegetables for 3-4 minutes, or until thawed. Squeeze dry.


In a large bowl, beat eggs until foamy. Add veggies, 1/4 cup cheese, salt and pepper. Stir until well combined. Divide egg mixture into 10 muffin molds. (Fill about 3/4 full). Top with remaining (1/4 cup) cheese.


Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until eggs are set and slightly browned on the top. Remove from the oven, and let cool until able to handle. Remove by sliding a knife between the egg and the muffin tin to loosen frittata. Enjoy warm!

May 01 2012

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Fitness, Healthy Recipes

total banana heaven…guilt free.

Ok, so I realize that most of the posts here on this blog are about healthy eating, weight management and all over wellness. Yes. It’s true- I am evil for post this sinful looking picture of deliciousness here. I want to be able to re post recipes that will fit into your new healthy lifestyle. And since I’m not a great chef, I’m going to share recipes that I’ve found on other blogs or via pinterest (with all of the correct links and copyrights attached- of course)

Doesn’t this look SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO naughty?

photo credit: Å

but wait.

It’s not that naughty! Infact, it may be ok for you to run to your kitchen right this minute and whip up a loaf of this bread because it’s just so darn yummy. And FAT FREE to boot.

I’m reposting this recipe from one of my all time FAVORITE healthy food blogs called
“Chocolate covered Katie”. You’re going to love her. I do.

Now leave me alone so I can enjoy my cake, er banana bread in peace…



See the original recipe and all of the other amazing recipes by Katie here:

Tagged healthy-living, nutrition

Healthy Recipes – teamfreedomnse (2024)


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